I am prone to making lists. I love making plans. Dreaming up trips, whether I take them or doesn’t, drives me to work hard, so…

I applauded when the New York Times new travel editor announced that the travel section would pursue a new direction in order to deliver the…

Live music is pervasive in Nashville and nearly every venue we frequented during our weekend in Music City had a band, including the bar at the airport. While country music is what Nashville is famous for, it was the laid back food scene that impressed the most.

Wynwood’s street art attracts camera toting tourists and locals in pursuit of the perfect selfie, but this former warehouse district north of downtown is the place to come to eat and drink. The best way to experience the neighborhood is by hopping around Wynwood to sample all the neighborhood has to offer.

It’s been a while since I have written a blog post, largely because I have found that I have nothing to say. As an expat,…

The holidays provided ample opportunity to engage in some hefty self-denial about my upcoming repatriation to the US, but with the packers arriving in two weeks, I can no longer put-off the inevitable. Like it or not, I am returning to the States and to quote Will Smith, “I’m going to Miami.”